How to prevent problems and maintain a healthy autonomic nervous system
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Self-management tips
First and foremost things to do

Record your normal blood pressure

Always carry your personalised autonomic dysreflexia emergency card with you

Ask your doctor to prescribe medicine for autonomic dysreflexia to keep on hand, and check expiry dates regularly
Healthy tips to prevent Autonomic Dysreflexia
- Ensure catheter tube is not kinked and flowing freely
- Drink plenty of water to prevent catheter blockage
- Perform regular intermittent catheterisation
- Regularly empty your leg bag.
- Eat a well-balanced diet
- Take medications as prescribed
- Drink plenty of water to prevent constipation
- If constipated, perform evacuation gently
- Have a regular bowel routine.
- Perform regular pressure relief and inspect skin at least daily
- Check equipment (including cushion, wheelchair and other surfaces) regularly
- Do not wear tight clothes and shoes
- Avoid potential causes for burns, such as carrying hot liquids in your lap or sitting too close to a fire or heater
- Practice good foot care to prevent ingrown toenails.
- Ensure catheter tube is not kinked and flowing freely
- Drink plenty of water to prevent catheter blockage
- Perform regular intermittent catheterisation
- Regularly empty your leg bag.
- Eat a well-balanced diet
- Take medications as prescribed
- Drink plenty of water to prevent constipation
- If constipated, perform evacuation gently
- Have a regular bowel routine.
- Perform regular pressure relief and inspect skin at least daily
- Check equipment (including cushion, wheelchair and other surfaces) regularly
- Do not wear tight clothes and shoes
- Avoid potential causes for burns, such as carrying hot liquids in your lap or sitting too close to a fire or heater
- Practice good foot care to prevent ingrown toenails.
Important Notes
Be aware of other stimuli such as a bone fracture, extreme temperatures or sexual activity.
“Don’t be afraid to seek information for yourself.”
Person with spinal cord injury
Take home messages

your GP to check your blood pressure at every visit so you know your normal blood pressure
If you are at risk of autonomic dysreflexia, consider having a blood pressure monitor at home.

to carry your autonomic dysreflexia emergency card with you
If you do not have one, ask your spinal cord injury care provider to arrange one for you.

autonomic dysreflexia as an emergency
Dial 000 for an ambulance if your autonomic dysreflexia does not resolve.