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Check if you have a problem

Quick Health Check

If you are experiencing a health issue, to support you to identify the problem, check the seriousness of the problem and understand what action to take to manage it, we have provided easy-to-use tools to help you.

The Tools

The Quick Health Check is an automated version of these 5 tools. These tools work together to help you with bladder and kidney problems.

  1. Checklist
    Answer a few simple questions to help you to quickly identify a problem
  2. Warning Signs
    Check whether you have a serious problem that needs immediate attention by a healthcare professional
  3. Severity Scale
    Quickly assess how severe the problem is
  4. Interference Scale
    Select one number to determine how much the problem interferes with your daily life
  5. Action to Take
    The severity and interference scale ratings combine to provide you with the recommended action you need to take to manage the problem.

You can use the 5 manual tools below if you prefer this approach to using the automated Quick Health Check in the top right-hand corner of the page.

1. Checklist

Check if you have a problem

If you answer ‘yes’ to any of the questions below, refer to the Severity scale to see whether your problem is mild, moderate or severe, and then the interferance scale and action to take table, to understand whether you can self-manage or whether you need to manage with the support of a healthcare professional.

  1. Have you been experiencing any recent problems or changes in bowel emptying/routine?
    • Having episodes of alternating constipation and diarrhoea?
      (note: this can result from severe constipation with episodes of bowel impaction and overflow. It may sometimes indicate another problem, such as irritable bowel syndrome)
    • Having frequent bowel accidents, occurring once a fortnight or more often?
    • Having either very loose, watery stools (diarrhoea) or opening your bowels more often than usual?
    • Having harder stools that are difficult to remove, emptying your bowel less often than usual, feeling your lower bowel has not been fully emptied or needed to take more laxatives?
  2. Have you been experiencing bleeding during or after bowel care?

  3. Have you been experiencing any problems with abdominal discomfort, pain or bloating? Is it relieved by emptying your bowel?

  4. Have you been experiencing any difficulty swallowing, or having a burning sensation in your chest or acid taste in the mouth after meals or when lying down, occurring more than once a week?

  5. Do you have a family history of bowel cancer or inflammatory bowel disease?

  6. Have you experienced unplanned weight loss?

  7. Have you been experiencing episodes of sweating, headache, blotchy skin/rashes or blurred vision during your bowel care, which may indicate autonomic dysreflexia?

2. Warning Signs

The following symptoms are warning signs indicating there may be a serious problem that requires further investigation and/or treatment:

  • Severe sweating or headache (autonomic dysreflexia) during or after bowel care
  • Significant rectal bleeding, passing dark tarry stools or vomiting of blood
  • New rectal bleeding of unknown cause
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • If you are feeling unwell due to having not opened your bowels and are experiencing symptoms such as bloating, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain
  • A major change in your bowel habit, including:
    • severe constipation, incontinence or altered stool consistency 
    • Prolonged time for bowel care 
  • Reduced ability or endurance to self-manage bowel care. 
patient in wheelchair following a path

If you experience any of these issues there may be a serious problem requiring further investigation – seek medical attention immediately

3. Severity scale

To check how severe your problem is, use the Severity Scale to assess the intensity, duration and frequency of your signs and symptoms.

Less than 3 bowel movements per week; firm to hard stools
(BSC* type 2-3)
Less than 25% of time
Less than 3 bowel movements per week; hard stools
(BSC* type 2)
25%-50% of time
Less than 3 bowel movements per week; prolonged (>1 hour) or incomplete evacuation, very hard stools
(BSC* type 1-2)
More than 50% of time
Bowel accidents and/or diarrhoea
Occasional – once or twice a year
1 to 3 times a month
Once or more a week
Alternating constipation and diarrhoea
Occasional – once or twice a year
Every few months
Once or more a month
Bleeding occurs less than once a month
Bleeding occurs several times a month
Bleeding occurs more than once a week AND/OR large amounts of blood
Abdominal bloating and discomfort
Infrequent – less than once every few months
1 to 3 times a month
Once or more a week
Infrequent – less than once every few months
Occurs some of the time
Occurs most of the time

Less than 3 bowel movements per week; firm to hard stools (BSC* type 2-3)

Less than 25% of time

Less than 3 bowel movements per week; hard stools (BSC* type 2)

25%-50% of time

Less than 3 bowel movements per week; prolonged (>1 hour) or incomplete evacuation, very hard stools (BSC* type 1-2)

More than 50% of time

Bowel accidents and/or diarrhoea

Occasional – once or twice a year

1 to 3 times a month

Once or more a week

Alternating constipation and diarrhoea

Occasional – once or twice a year

Every few months

Once or more a month


Bleeding occurs less than once a month

Bleeding occurs several times a month

Bleeding occurs more than once a week AND/OR large amounts of blood

Abdominal bloating and discomfort

Infrequent – less than once every few months

1 to 3 times a month

Once or more a week


Infrequent – less than once every few months

Occurs some of the time

Occurs most of the time

*BSC: Bristol Stool Chart

Any bowel-related symptoms of any severity associated with autonomic dysreflexia are considered SEVERE and require URGENT MEDICAL ATTENTION.

4. Interference scale

To determine to what extent your problem interferes with participating in everyday activities, use the scale below:

Not at all
A little of the time
Some of the time
A lot of the time

5. Action to take

This table provides a way to combine your severity and interference ratings from above scales to help you decide what level of support you may need to most effectively manage your problem.

Severity rating
Interference rating
Management strategies
Mild problem
(0) Not at all
Self-manage without support
Mild problem
(1) A little of the time
Self-manage without support
Mild problem
(2) Some of the time
Self-manage with support from your GP or other healthcare professional
Mild problem
(3) A lot of the time
Self-manage with support from your GP or other healthcare professional
Moderate problem
(0) Not at all
Self-manage with support from your GP or other healthcare professional
Moderate problem
(1) A little of the time
Self-manage with support from your GP or other healthcare professional
Moderate problem
(2) Some of the time
Self-manage with support from your GP or other healthcare professional
Moderate problem
(3) A lot of the time
Manage with specialist support
Severe problem
(0) Not at all
Manage with specialist support
Severe problem
(1) A little of the time
Manage with specialist support
Severe problem
(2) Some of the time
Manage with specialist support
Severe problem
(3) A lot of the time
Manage with specialist support

Note: If you are self-managing without support and your problem has not been resolved, you should seek help from your GP, other healthcare professional or involve a spinal cord injury specialist in your management plan.
