Please select one answer below
To check the severity of your problem, consider the intensity, duration and frequency of your signs and symptoms by using this scale.
To determine to what extent does your problem interfere with participating in everyday activities, use the scale below.
Any bladder-related symptoms of any severity associated with autonomic dysreflexia are considered severe and require urgent medical attention.
Based on your selections, we use the assessment ratings on both severity and interference scales to help you decide what level of support you may need to most effectively manage your problem.
This Quick Health Check asks questions based on the most common health problems that people living with a spinal cord injury experience, but not all. It is important that you consult with your healthcare professional to identify your problem and how best to treat it.
Please note, keeping a Bowel Diary for several weeks prior to consultation will help your healthcare professional to better understand the problem.
Your condition is: Mild (with little or no interference)
Recommended management pathway: Self-manage without support
Care plan: You can download a care plan for alternating constipation and diarrhoea here
Your condition is: Mild (with some or a lot of interference)
Recommended management pathway: Self-manage with support from your GP or other healthcare professional
Care plan: You can download a care plan for alternating constipation and diarrhoea here that you can share with your GP or other healthcare professional
Your condition is: Moderate (with some interference)
Your condition is: Moderate (with a lot of interference)
Recommended management pathway: Manage with specialist support
Care plan: You can download a care plan for alternating constipation and diarrhoea here that you can share with your GP and/or Spinal Specialist
Your condition is: Severe
Care plan: You can download a care plan for diarrhoea here
Care plan: You can download a care plan for diarrhoea here that you can share with your GP or other healthcare professional
Care plan: You can download a care plan for diarrhoea here that you can share with your GP and/or Spinal Specialist
Care plan: You can download a care plan for constipation here
Care plan: You can download a care plan for constipation here that you can share with your GP or other healthcare professional
Care plan: You can download a care plan for constipation here that you can share with your GP and/or Spinal Specialist
Care plan: You can download a care plan for haemorrhoids here
Care plan: You can download a care plan for haemorrhoids here that you can share with your GP or other healthcare professional
Care plan: You can download a care plan for haemorrhoids here that you can share with your GP and/or Spinal Specialist
Care plan: You can download a care plan for abdominal bloating and discomfort here
Recommended management: Self-manage without support
Care plan: You can download a care plan for abdominal bloating and discomfort here that you can share with your GP or other healthcare professional
Care plan: You can download a care plan for abdominal bloating and discomfort here that you can share with your GP and/or Spinal Specialist
The risk of developing bowel cancer is NOT increased after sustaining a spinal cord injury. Your genetic makeup, however, can play a big role in bowel cancer. About one in five people who develop bowel cancer have a relative with the disease. For this reason, it is important to find out if any of your relatives have had bowel cancer or polyps, which are growths in the colon or rectum, and if so, how old they were when they were diagnosed.
Studies have shown that people with spinal cord injury are less likely to have routine tests done for bowel screening and may therefore be at risk of a delayed diagnosis.
Unexplained weight loss is a decrease in body weight (5 kilograms or 5% of your normal body weight) over the 3 to 6 months without knowing the reason or unintentionally.
The common causes are cancer, depression, gut diseases and endocrine disorders.
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